Thursday, October 25, 2007


Not much to say, except that it is raining! First time in 6 months. I hope it will last more than a couple of minutes.

The birds too are happy. I can hear them singing in the fig tree, where the feeders are.
But not everybody enjoys the good news, thought...
At least, this one went outside, the other one takes me to each window and door and asks me to open it to check if it is raining there too...


Anonymous said...

Vero, too cute about your cats :-) I hope you will have more than a few minutes' rain and that it lasts even a few days!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Verobirdie, where are you that you don't get rain so often? Your poor cats. Isn't it funny that most cats avoid water at all costs.? I wonder what it feels like to them.

JoWynn Johns said...

We're in a severe drought here in the mid-Atlantic states. And we are also having a little rain off and on. Not much yesterday, and it's very dark and cloudy, but not raining yet today. Let's hope for rain here and there!

Henny said...

6 Month without rain, unbelievable. We had no rain in Lower Austria for 4 month this spring.

Dein Deutsch ist gut!!

Unknown said...

Cats are so amusing that way, aren't they? Our senior cat dislikes the wind; he goes out one door, flattens his ears, goes around and asks to be let in another door, then goes back wanting to go out. This mostly happens on fine days when he can SEE the sunshine, then he goes outdoors and finds his catsuit is getting all rumpled. Tres dommage!

Wolfgang said...

Vielen Dank für Deinen Besuch in meinem Blog und für das Kommentieren. Zum Übersetzen Deiner Seiten muss ich immer Google bemühen. Es kommt manchmal was echt lustiges raus. Aber den Sinn kann ich erfassen. Hatte in der Schule nur Russisch.
Wünsche ein noch einen schönen Sonntag


Wurzerl said...

I think i could do the same shot from my cat. Rain is a very bad thing. But your garden love it, and so I hope it will rain more.
Have a good Sunday Wurzerl

Kerri said...

That's a long time to go without rain! We've had quite a bit here during the past 2 days.
Love your cat pictures on the sidebar and this one under the chair :)

Kylee Baumle said...

How cute is your kitty under the chair!? When you have cats, you're never at a loss for smiles, don't you agree? :-)