This is simply a box
It is made of Vilene painted in yellow on the outside, with a purple batick for the inside. The embellishements are made of angelina fibers, painted and heated tyvek (recycled from envelops), painted scrim and some beads. The whole has been machine embroidered with variegated threads along the lines that appeared. It is closed by a cord, also machine embroidered, that goes through holes on the two extreme corners. You have to pull the cord to form and close the box. In fact, the box cannot close exactly this way, and I must add some holes on other corners. Promise, I'll do that this weekend !
No, it's not just a box...it's a beautiful little box...and I was struck by the colour connection between it and the photograph with the lavender fields in the post below. Great work.
And thank you for the kind thoughts on my blog...glad to 'see' you there...
Wonderful box, so much lovely texture, and embellish! I have just bought Vilene, and really don´t know how to use it; maybe a little box??
What a beautiful design! How did you come up with the cord idea??? Would make a great journal of sorts too :}
Great to have a cup of tea with the three of you this morning!
The box can be found in Three-dimensional embroidery by Janet Edmonds. And the idea of the cord is from her, but I think it need a bit of improvement.
Gunnel, the vilene I used is a thick one. I know Vilene exists in three weight. I suspect this is the heaviest one I have, a bit like Timtex or F2F.
As for the colors, I'm not a pastel girl, maybe because the colors here are not exactly pastel either.
Hugs to all
Gorgeous box Vero. Great yellow and some terrific texture there.
Thank you Dianne!
What fun you must have had creating this.
Simpler versions could be great packaging for special gifts.....thanks for the idea, Vero!
Most welcome Allie!
Gorgeous box in every detail!
Thank you Conni
Such a beautiful box - a great idea!
Have a nice weekend!
Thank you Wlatraud, you too;
Lovely box - I like the texture and color - nicely done.
Thanks for the comments you've left on my blog, which has in turn led me to yours. Love your box! I'm looking forward to reading about your other work.
Thank you Magpie and Kim!
I love your little yellow box, I want so mush to get into the CQ and fiber arts medium, just need to find the time.
Gorgeous! Popping your url to another friend who needs to see your beautiful site!
This is so beautiful!!! I love the colors you have used. So vibrant and lovely. This is a treasure to be sure. Love your art.
This would be a gorgeous gift for someone...
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