Look at what I've just received from my sister: A lovely note book, with my name on it, and cats and birds...

Thank you so much, Mano!
Why birds?
You already know two of my assistants, but there are three more. They have breakfast with me every morning, while the cats are in the garden, or in my bed.
Yesterday, the girls were really cute, so I had to make a picture. The boy has nothing to do with all this girlie stuff, he was on my other shoulder. The yellow one likes toasts, while the cinnamon one (in front) likes tea...

Your birdies look like our Cayley! We had to find a new home for her because her loud screeching hurt Jack's ears (he has a minor hearing problem and she was too much for him). She wasn't nearly as tame as yours are!
Your notebook is gorgeous Vero. Your sister did a great job. I didn't know you had birds. You should show them more often. They are darling.
Vero, I didn't know about this secret life with birds! They are very pretty :-)
Une vrai petite famille!!!Je vois qu'il y a de l'animation chez toi.
Très belle réalisation de soeur. Bises
Interesting birds, and the notebook is beautiful.
ahhhhh....now I understand the verobirdie....
Oh, nun sehe ich endlich, mit wem Du Dein Frühstück teilst. Bei mir wäre das schwierig, du weißt, der Mauzi ist schon vor mir in der Küche, da hätten deine gefiederten Freunde wenig Chancen, etwas abzukriegen. Aber sie sind soooooo hübsch, da schmeckt es dir doch gleich nochmal so gut!
LG Wurzerl
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