Rosemary of Rosemary'Blog Spot has surprised me with an Helping Hand Award!
This award is meant to encourage and uplift others in the blogging world.
Here is how it works;
select 10 bloggers,
5 you consider your Helping Hand
and then Pay it Forward to 5 additional new bloggers, in support and encouragement for their efforts.
My helping hands would be:
JoWynn, for her support, and her embroidery skills,
Wurzel, for her friendship and beautiful garden,
Nikkipolani, for her food, cats and taste for good life
Lisa, for Luna and her beautiful garden
Aiyana, who makes me discover cactii
The Ginger Darlings, because I love their word,
Neki, always full of good idea,
Annica, who inspires me for embroidery,
Arlee who pushes me behind my comfort zone.
There would be many more candidates, very difficult to make a choice...
Many thanks for our award. We are always glad to get them. with love from the gingers. It is raining here now so the white is washing away, and She is writing about wolves.
Dear Vero, thanks so much for giving me this wonderful award. Luna is thrilled to be included in the mention. ;)
Thank you!
although i goofed on my French you know i meant it :)
neki desu
Vero, thank you so much for award and for the kind words. You also put color in my life with your beautiful, colorful creations. And you introduce me to wonderful places I will probably only see through your lovely photos and descriptions.
Thanks for thinking of me.
Thank you Vero! I value your opinion very much so it's a double thank you i'm sending!
A thoughtful award, Vero, thank you :-) Congratulations for receiving this award - and your encouragement to other bloggers!
Thanks for the award Vero!
Liebe Vero,
ganz lieb, daß Du an mich und meinen Blog gedacht hast, bei der Vergabe dieses Awards.
Es ist eine Ehre, von einem qualitativ hochwertigen Blog geehrt zu werden. Ich würde ihn Dir am liebsten gleich wieder zurückgeben, denn Deine Posts sind so vielseitig und interessant und schön, daß es immer eine große Freude und Inspiration ist, auf Deine Seite zu kommen.
Ganz liebe Grüße und ein Schönes Wochenende wünscht Dir das
Hi Vero,
Thanks for the award! I'm glad you are learning about cacti from reading my blog. Sorry for taking so long to thank you. I've been tied up with several projects that have proved to be overwelming and have taken far more time than I originally planned. I hope I can now get back to visiting all my favorite blogs on a regular basis!
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