Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ulan Bator

The parliament, the guards and Gingins Khan

The other side of the place

A fancy building
The traffic jam
The central heating pipe
One of the two power plants (coal operated)


Shirley Goodwin said...

Great photos!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Wonderful to see that you are still around Vero. Where in the world have you been? This looks very interesting. Of course you always travel to great places.

houndstooth said...

Oh my gosh! What cool places you've been visiting!

Amandine said...

WTF??? Ils ont un hotel W aussi?? XD

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Hmmmm I left a comment here but it isn't showing up.

I wanted to say welcome back. I wondered what you have been up to.

Where in the world are you? It looks interesting. You always have interesting trips to share.