Startare, I was so focused on the English word that I did not think French... It is a shame, it would have been great too. But I'll keep that in mind, for another time.
When I've received the last issue of Cloth Paper Scissors, I fell in love with the house on the cover. I had to make it for Easter.
Judy Coates Perez has a great tutorial, in two parts. The first one is about making the fabric. I confess I've tried it, but it was a complete failure...
The second part will explain how to mount the house, but that will be too late for Easter... I wonder how she makes the last seam on the walls, as well as the bottom one. In the meantime, I had to find a way. So I've zigzaged the walls together as it is easy to make the last seams by hand without showing to much. I've kept her idea of a nice lining inside, to add some interest. I really think it adds a nice touch. The roof is removable. The dimensions are 15cmx15cmx22cm.

And when I have Judy Coates Perez's second tutorial, I'll make another one, this time narrow and high. And I'll give the fabric another try...
Have a nice week all!
This is a great project for Easter, and a nice change from baskets and hens. Hope your niece gets it in one piece.
Quel joli nichoir !
That is so neat. I love the flowers and the roof!
Oh that's so cute!!! Well done---love the button flower!
Vero, is this SO VERY ADORABLE! I love all the little whimsical touches :-)
You do such beautiful work! Your lucky niece is sure to love it :)
Very, very bright and cheerful!
The house is just lovely! I think I have to order this issue...Happy Easter from Norway!
Liebe Vero,
das wird für Deine Nichte ein unvergessliches Ostern werden, so ein hübsches Oster-Häuschen habe ich noch nie gesehen. Es ist auch viel zu schade, nach Ostern fortgeräumt zu werden, deshalb bin ich sicher, daß es einen Ehrenplatz bei Deiner Nichte bekommt.
Lieber Gruß vom Wurzerl
So cute!!!
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