Here is my last sampler for the TAST.
I don't like Chained Bar very much and I know it is visible!
I prefer the Spanish Feather stitch.

Anyway, it has been a pleasure to take part to that challenge, and I want to thank
Sharon for all the work she has done organizing it!
I think your chained bar is very pretty!
I don't know one stitch from another, I will confess... but that top one is lovely. And I'd like to use the middle one on a funky necklace!
Congratulations on finishing, I am looking forward to seeing what TIF brings us. Should be fun.
We dont live in a Mediterranean climate for nothing!
Like your photos and look forward to next years challenge.
I like the top stitch, whatever it is. I've never been good at needlework, too clumsy, too impatient, but always appreciated the ablility in others. Your work is lovely.
I am impressed that you completed the TAST in it's entirety. That's quite an accomplishment and I am sure you take much with you from participating. I am looking forward to meeting up with you in the Take It Further challenge as I too, am a participant. Can't wait!
Happy New Year to you!
Liebe Vero, hilf einem Sticklaien auf die Sprünge. Die erste Reihe gefällt mir sehr gut, sehe ich das richtig, daß da ein lila Faden querliegt und mit einem anderen Farbton darübergestickt wird, um ihn quasi einzutunneln?
Ich mache sehr viel Hardanger-Stickerei, kennst Du das auch?
Lieber Gruß vom Wurzerl
..ganz fremde Stiche....find ich total schön...wünsche dir alles Gute für 2008. LG Barbara
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