Friday, December 28, 2007


First of all, I want to thank you for having left Christmas wishes on my blog. It is such a warm feeling!
Regarding the TAST, it is amazing that you are all attracted to the row I don't like! I don't master the zig-zag chain stitch, but I agree that the effect is attractive.
And yes, I'm quite happy to have participated to the TAST to the very end. I'm now looking forward to the TIF!
I've got some eye-candies for you, not made by me:
First, the postcard from Solange. Do visit her blog for more postcards! My sister and I are very much in the needles and textile stuff. And this year, most of her Xmas gifts were home made too.
Here is a lavender bag, in hardanger (she makes beautiful hardanger pieces...)
She knows I don't disposable hankerchieves. As a result, she send me some traditionnal ones, with this little pouch to keep them: And here are 4 place mates: they represent not only letters but also the seasons. I think they are very lovely!

Have a nice weekend all!


Wurzerl said...

Liebe Vero, da bist Du ja von wunderschönen Dingen umgeben. Und die Frage, ob Du Hardanger kennst, ist ja auch schon beantwortet. Alles ist so schön, ich muß 2008 unbedingt gaaaanz brav sein und dann mit dem "Christkind", das bei uns die Geschenke bringt verhandeln, am besten ich sage ihm, es soll sich in Deinem schönen Blog informieren.
Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende. Wurzerl

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What beautiful gifts you received. I haven't seen any Hardanger items before. Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Beutiful work!I especially love the pouch for handkerchiefs! Beautiful!

JoWynn Johns said...

Your sister's work is truly lovely, all of it. Her work is traditional, while yours is more contemporary and experimental. Both styles enjoyable.

mzjohansen said...

Oh ! My gosh - these are gorgeous. What amazing work. Thanks for sharing !

Kim said...

Wonderful pieces, lovely work.