Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lazy or clever?

When I went to bed yesterday, I almost stepped on a dead mouse. So what? I belong to two cats, don't I? Do you cats hunt mice with traps? Mine do:
This trap belongs to the ground floor, to the opposite end of the house, not to the first floor nor to my room...


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Well, those little rascals.

neki desu said...

lazy, lazy always lazy !:)

Wanda said...

ha ha my cat wouldn't know what a mouse was if it came up and introduced itself! Besides, she's afraid of just about everything...leaves, the dark, birds outside. ha ha ha Oh and I love the new look of your blog! It's easier to read, I have to admit.

Anonymous said...

Definitely CLEVER! I think a poor mouse would die of exhaustion with my two cats who'd want to play nonstop.

deb said...

My two cats cannot kill a mouse. They bat it around and chase it and once in awhile they're lucky enough to pick it up and carry around. Then they drop it and it runs and the play starts all over again ...