Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A very special bag

This is not any bag, this is my XMas gift by my daugther Emilie,
and the first bag she made herself, with my old sewing machine I gave her a few weeks ago.

So you sure know that I am very, very proud :-)
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startare said...

Eh bien, comme on dit, les chiens ne font pas des chats! Bravo la petite!

Rosemary said...

Very proud you should be what a fabulous bag!

Susan Elliott said...

Like mother like daughter!!!

It's lovely and so much more so because she made it. What a treasure!

solange said...

Tu en as de la chance!!! Ta fille se débrouille drôlement bien. Bravo à elle, il est très beau.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Beautiful bag...lucky you! And your daughter is also lucky to have you pass your creativeness on to her.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

She has her Mother's talent for sure. What a wonderful bag.

Wanda said...

Just how awesome is that??!! Yes...I think that may just be one of the top 10 best gifts you've ever received!!!

Anonymous said...

Inné ou acquis? Toujours la question!!!!Mais c'est chouette quand on voit son "bébé" se lancer dans une de nos activités favorites.
Tu viendras "tirer les reines" avec nous (?(dixit Dominique)

Sharon Sews said...

Oh cool is that?!? She made a beautiful bag for you!