I promised an ATC to
Sonia. This is how I made it:

Tibbits of fabrics combined with the embellisher into a rusty background.
Then a recycled tyvek envelop, painted and heated to make spots of rust.
A drop of beads, and here they are.
The one for Sonia:

and two others that can be traded, if someone is interested. Just send me a mail.

i'd LOVE to trade cards with you! anything in particular you're looking for?
Your french journal looks beautiful to me. Very beautiful indeed...
When I read how small these ATC's are I was even more amazed at their beauty becasue I am sure it is much more difficult to make something so tiny so beautiful. WEll done Vero.
Amazing, Vero. Absolutely amazing!
And look at how you're using your journal! Way to go!
Wunderschön Vero, diese warmen Herbstfarben sind sehr schön. Wie hast Du das gemacht, der Hintergrund wirkt wie mit Wolle gefilzt?!
Ganz liebe Grüße vor dem Abflug
Je m'inscris pour un échange en 2009. Je n'en ai qu'une de toi et depuis tu as fait un sacré bout de chemin!!
Il n'y a qu'un mot à dire, SUPERBE tant dans les coloris que dans les compositions.
echoing all the comments here.
the atcs have a lovely autumny feel
neki desu
superbe, j'aime !!!
I would love to trade an ATC with you. Do you still have one?
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