Sharon aims at showing us how to use a sketchbook to enhance our creativity. The idea of this course was more than welcome by her students in former classes. Indeed, among the students for the Studio Journal, many have followed several courses by Sharon. It is fun to meet all again!
So, I've started my home work. First, I decided to go on with a sketchbook I had started some time ago, with the aim of collecting ideas and trying to draw some sketches. I just added some decoration on the covers, and an envelop to carry a view finder. I put my name and address too.

Then I played with drawing stitches:

And started working on a Van Gogh work, trying to translate it in stitches:

That's all for today, but certainly not for the week as this course is very inspiring...
A good way to let your creative side fly... You will not have any lack of inspriation when using your journal to capture your imaginaiton.
inspirimg work, I think I should keep a studio journal
You have made a good start on your journal/sketchbook.
I find mine very useful, I have a large one for use at home, and carry a small one in my handbag for those times when inspiration strikes while I'm out.
Really nice sketchbook. It is a great idea for my blackwork as well! Thanks for the idea!
I think the Van Gogh painting lends itself well to a stitchery project.
Can't wait to see the finished project.
Wonderful journal and sketches!
Thank you for your comment on my blog!
What a great idea. Very inpsiring, thanks for sharing.
I like the way you've arranged your stitch sketches, Vero. Do you think you'll do that Van Gogh?
Salut Véro, c'est un merveilleux début, très inspirant/é, comme d'habitude
Great post, Vero! Can't wait to see the Van Gogh translated to stitches!
Liebe Vero, phantastisch, was macht das Van Gogh Bild??? Ich sehe schon, ich muß Dich zu den "Blauen Reitern" schleppen, wenn Du kommst!!! Das wird Dich bestimmt inspirieren.
Auch das Büchlein ist ganz Klasse!!!
Ganz liebe Grüße vom Wurzerl
It's already clear that you will be getting a lot out of Sharon's course. What a great start!
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