Sunday, January 27, 2013

In the mail this week: this itty bitty tiny calendar my sister made for me. Isn't it lovely?I love it!
And those are beetroot scones, from a recipe by Clea with hazelnuts, goat cheese, gouda and beetroot.
To go with a salad (for me with a vegetables soup tonight).
Clea created the recipe for Hello Fresh. Although I don't think it is available where I live, I like the concept: They deliver a basket of fresh food (meat, fish, vegetables) that are available at this time of year, to your place, for the amount of guests you want, together with some unusual recipes to try. Thus providing all you need to cook a healthy meal under 30 mn.

That'll be it for this weekend.
Have all a good week and take care!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

All of the type about food made me hungry. Love the little calendar. Your Sister is a sweetie.

solange said...

Très joli ce calendrier. Un déssert qui met l'eau à la bouche. Bises

houndstooth said...

Your sister is incredibly talented! Artistic genes must run in your family.

Those beetroot scones sure are pretty! I bet they taste fantastic!

nikkipolani said...

Oooh, that combination sounds lovely 0 either in a muffin or in a salad :-)

neki desu said...

why don't you start a business using that concept?

Remington said...

That is so cute!

Amandine said...

Trop mimi le calendrier :)
La recette a la beetroot ca me rappelle le carpacio de beetroot et parmesan du restaurant Italien Lo de Flor dans le raval. Tu te souviens?
Gros bisous

blandina said...

Great idea, this Hello Fresh. Their website is exciting.
Joli le calandrier!