On the first day, Alisa made us gather ordinary objects that can be turned into something creative. Just to realize that you don't have to spend a fortune to enjoy creating.
I had been cleaning my drawers, and was going to throw away a lot of old papers, broken pens, etc...You get the idea.
Instead, I kept those treasures, in particular an old metro map from Paris.
Perfect background for a doodling.
I "glued" it to a fabric using bondaweb, added some Angelina fiber.
My sewing machine was threaded, ready to be used. I could not resist the urge, and here it is:A Tour Eiffel.
I hope your evening has been as creative as mine...
Wow this would make a great pillow. It will remind you of one of your great adventures. i have never heard of bondathread or angelina fiber. Interesting.
That is so incredibly cool! I am always blown away by the stuff you create! I agree with Lisa, too. It would be a fantastic pillow!
I really like this idea. Cleaning out drawers and turning the contents into art -- beautiful, Vero.
my evening has so far consisted of 1 pre-recorded old episode of criminal minds, a 1/2 mug of extra strong dark coffee, and a 1/3 slice of chocolate date brownie. gag. not very creative at all.
THANKS for showing us the feather. it's NOT what i imagined! i thought it would look like a quill but made of glass. unusual :)
very cool.and what a treasure of a pen!
This made me so speechless again!
You actually made me think that it might be time for me to start to do something creative for myself or just for fun.
You certainly are creative, my friend! That is awesome! I love the glass feather....is it a pen?
Really really cool!! I LOVE that Tour Veronique!
Liebe Vero,
Dein Eiffelturm erinnert mich daran, dass Paris zu den wenigen europäischen Hauptstädten gehört, die ich noch nicht kenne. Das muss sich ändern!
Gerade habe ich Post gekommen, Mail folgt gleich.
Ich wünsche Dir noch alles Liebe im Neuen Jahr und weiter so viele wunderbare kreative Einfälle wie bisher.
Liebe Grüsse Renate
Fantastic idea
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