Thursday, March 18, 2010

Too cold to work in the garden...

so I sewed!
The skirt is the same as this one
The jacket pattern is from Au Bonheur des Petites Mains

(This is the true color)


neki desu said...

what a cute funky jacket!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Love that jacket. It has marvelous details.

Wanda said...

Good thing to do when it's too cold to be outside! And very nice results. Hopefully you'll be out in the garden soon!

Kerri said...

I'm constanly amazed at what a clever seamstress you are. The jacket and skirt are very cute. Love the details on the jacket.
Good for you going out walking! I should do that more often. Looks like you have some beautiful views from the hill overlooking your village.
Happy spring, Vero!

Muriel said...

Comment çà trop froid??? Quoiqu'il en soit, tu as bien fait, elle est jolie cette veste, j'aime beaucoup les poches!