Thursday, July 17, 2008

Studio Journal - kaleidoscopes

Sharon sent us to to have us play, no, excuse me, to have us work on design.

She warned us it is very addictive. I confirm it is :-)

From this:

I've made these:

From this:

I've made this: From that cat:

I've made these:

and I could fill several pages this way!


Anonymous said...
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Tanguera said...

Vero, these are wonderful.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

These are beautiful Vero! I was blown away by the first image even before you played (worked) with it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Vero, the kaleidoscopes are beautiful. I am taking Sharon's class also, but am quite behind. I'm eager to get to these exercises, yours turned out so interesting.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I've always been fascinated by kaleidoscopes.
I agree with one of the other commenters, the first image is great on it's own.

Lise said...

Wow!! these are great!!

Conni said...

These are all so wonderful - I need to check out that link!

JoWynn Johns said...

Absolutely fascinating! I can see that it could be addicting. What fun!

And I like the new pants and top you've made. Great colors.

Wanda said...

Wow! These are great! And something that I'm sure I can get quite addicted to as well! Sometimes you just need something that gets finished quickly, for the satisfaction of finishing something, and this looks like exactly a project that would do the trick!

ACey said...

I did kaleidoscopes of my cat too. A pic with her mouth wide open yawning. It was quite entertaining.