I continued the exercises with some on the color wheels (and I would add about painting altogether... I clearly lack the practise, and some good brushes). After working on a painted background, it seems odd to work on a white one...

As Sharon asked, I'm trying to make a color page each day for 5 days. For the moment, it is easier as I thought.
This page is about a failure in my garden: I love bright colors, and day lilies. So I purchased some in September, all either orange or bright red. But even for me, this collection has a little too much energy :-). So I will purchase some white or cream flowers to balance that. Hence this page.

My neighbor told me on Thursday that he saw a lovebird in the trees. Was it one of mine. No, mine were all there. We both though that the magpies or the cats would catch it very soon. So I was very surprised to find it yesterday, hanging on the aviary outside, clearly longing for real food and company. But I could not catch it. Until I opened the window in front of my cockatiels. Curiosity was stronger than prudence, and it went to see those weird birds. As I approached, it flew away, but inside the house, where I finally caught it. And it became the theme of another page:

I wanted an abstract lovebird. Will have to rework it a bit, but I like the first shot.
And here is the guy (dark green) among mine.
have your birds accepted the stranger?
All of your journal work looks good. I wonder why the new bird looks more green. Is it a differnt type of lovebird? Or maybe it was its food eaten while in the wild.
He's beautiful! Surely someone in your neighborhood will be posting a sign reading something like: "We're forlorn, we've lost our handsome lovebird. Please call #########."
I'm glad he's with you and out of the way of stealthy cats.
Bravo pour ton carnet, il est super !
Une fan de carnets.
I am getting so much pleasure from following along with your studio journal course lessons. What a lot of good ideas you are getting! Sharon is a wonderful teacher, isn't she? I hope you continue to take us along with you.
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