Graham Thomas is blooming again, and hosting a honey moon: The althea has its first blooms, with visitors too: The fox tails are growing pretty: and the lantana is in full bloom: Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.
I've never seen a lantana planted in a pot before...only IN the ground. Does this make it much more compact? I'm curious. Mine is HUGE and getting out of hand actually.
My G T Sunday is posted too. If you have time, won't you drop by?
Beautiful Vero!! And I've just been out between the showers and enjoyed my Graham Thomas...I also grow lantanas in pots, but that's because they have to spend the winter indoor.
Beautiful flowers! Love the rose. Happy GTS,
I've never seen a lantana planted in a pot before...only IN the ground. Does this make it much more compact? I'm curious. Mine is HUGE and getting out of hand actually.
My G T Sunday is posted too. If you have time, won't you drop by?
Lottsa visitors :)
I played too :)
You have a some beautiful blooms in your garden this week Vero. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful Vero!! And I've just been out between the showers and enjoyed my Graham Thomas...I also grow lantanas in pots, but that's because they have to spend the winter indoor.
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