As soon as the snow seemed to stop, all the neighbors came outside to try to clean in front of the houses. We soon realized this would lead us nowhere: the street won't be cleaned, so we won't be able to reach the main road, even if we can get our cars out of the garage. And even if we can reach this road, there are two tree lying across the road at the end of the village. I'm not sure I'll be working tomorrow... We had not have this amount of snow since 1985...
First, thank you very much for your comments on the book cover. The friend likes it a lot.
It was hard going back to work after a 10 days break. But this morning, I woke up full of energy... Ready to go to work... but this is what I found when I opened the window:
Same garden, one hour later, and the snow won't stop before the night, so the weatherman says.
Driving with a thin layer of snow is a total chaos here, as we are not used to it. I personally can't drive with snow. So I listened to the advice broadcast on the radio, and I'm staying home instead. I went out to fill the bird feeders, and believe me, I have a flock of fans outside. I'm sure I'll spend a lot of time wachting them today.
I'm not the only one:
My other assistant is practising her favourite exercise, drinking from the most inadequate dishes, here the bird bath I was going to put back into the cage... Every morning she does the same, although she's got at least three drinking dishes ...
It was hard going back to work after a 10 days break. But this morning, I woke up full of energy... Ready to go to work... but this is what I found when I opened the window:
I'm not the only one:
Have a nice day!
Isn't it wonderful to have an unexpected day off from work? I hope the electricity stays on for you. Have fun.
wow, where did you get so much snow!! take care, don't slip enjoy your time off.
On ne peut pas s'empêcher de regarder comme des enfants, ici aussi il en est tombé beaucoup (mais bien sûr moins que sur le port de Marseille :-))
En tous les cas, t'as bien fait de rester chez toi vu le bazar sur les routes et je plains ceux qui sont bloqués depuis ce matin!
The snow looks so pretty. My husband bought a snow blower three years ago - and we haven't had a major snowstorm here since then! But we're prepared...
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