Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mme Corbeau's cousin

As promised, let me introduce you to Mrs Corbeau's cousin: She is on her way to Barcelona, hope my daughter will like her...


Anonymous said...

Vite, vite, je veux être la première!Si ta fille ne l'aime pas, je l'adopte :-))!
Sans blague, il est superbe ce cousin!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Mme Corgeau's cousin is gorgeous! I love the colours of her feathers. She is certainly dressed to the nines!!

Conni said...

She is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful colours, Vero! I like the graphic design of the head and eyes.

Ingrid said...

I was looking for your cats, lol ! Why don't you participate in Cats on Tuesday, it's a nice group of people who (mostly) don't have a special cat blog and write once a week about their cats. It's real fun. Infos are on my blog.

Wurzerl said...

Liebe Vero,
wow, Barcelona wird in neuem Glanz erstrahlen, wenn Mme Corgeau's cousin erst einmal dort angekommen ist. Und die neue Besitzerin strahlt auch, da bin ich mir ganz sicher, weil Du wieder ein kleines Meisterwerk abgeliefert hast.
Ganz liebe Grüße vom Wurzerl

Kerri said...

Beautiful work Vero! I read an interesting post today on a California friend's blog (Needled Mom) and thought of you. It's a tutorial for fabric postcards..very nicely done. She's a wonderful seamstress! Here's the link so that you can check it out if you'd like to. http://needledmom.blogspot.com/2008/04/fabric-postcard-tutorial.html