A little project, again from the
Cloth Paper Scissors issue of november/december 2007 (the one with Madame Corbeau). This was a very good issue, at least for me. Very colorful and fun. Ideal to use the little leftovers too.

Robin Olsen explained how to make pretty chains. I was going to mount three of them like a rake on a twig, but my furry assistant provided some advice. She started to play with the chains hanging from a chair like only cats do, and gathered them into that. I had to agree with her, I liked them better that way. So that way it is.
Looks a bit like garlic, don't you think ?
C'est chouette, ça! M'étonne pas que ton assistant(e) ait tenu à participer :-)!
Who says cats don't have a sense of design? Yours sure does anyway. I have to dig out that issue of CPS's and read up on what you've been doing.
I haven´t a clue what 'Hannah Leigh' necklaces are, but I definitly like the version your assistent "designed"!
Every time I look at this issue of CPS, I am determined to make that project, but I've never gotten around to it. Yours is wonderful!
Love this! Much better than "garlic" for sure...
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