This is another pattern by Burda, from the September issue. I like the front cutout and was doing to sew it, although I was a bit worried about the necessary alteration: their patterns are made for 1.68m tall women, I'm only 1.52. I had purchased the fabrics, no matter what.
When I looked at the pattern again yesterday, there was a nice surprise: this was an intermediate size pattern, for shorter women. So the alteration was already made!
Another challenge remained, however: I've never sewed a lined dressed, and this one requires lining. The explanations look weird, but following them is easy, and it worked alright
Here is the final result. I like it very much!
I wish you a nice weekend!
Nicely done, Vero! And congratulations for tackling something new as lining.
Eh oui malheureusement la confection, les patrons ne sont jamais adaptés pour les "petites femmes" comme nous. Un challenge de plus convertir aux bonnes dimensions.Mais je vois que tu t'en sort plutôt bien.
I love the seam detail on the front of this dress - very nice!
J'ai deux robes (une noire et une beige) de ce modèle et elles sont absolument passe-partout! Très jolie couleur:)
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