Sunday, February 24, 2008


Lisa, I'm glad not to be the only one who does not understand contemporary art!
There are lots of palms in Barcelona, and if you look upwards, you can see lot of nests on them, with green small parakeets. In fact, you hear them before you see them. That is another pleasure of the town.
Startare, my daughter told me that not all grafittis are left, some are quickly removed. I guess they only keep the best?
Kerri, I agree with you, this art has personality, just as the whole town.
Zquilts, Francoise, Nuvofelt, thanks for the comment.
Fifiquilter, it is a postcard, 4"x6". There are also ATC to swap, but I felt more comfortable with the postcard format.
G_mirage, many flowers here won't take a winter rest, or only a very short one. But I always fear the weather around Eastern, when it gets colder all of a sudden.
Jane, the scent of the hyacinths is overcome by that of the narcisses, by far. You can smell them meter ahead. Anyway, I love both.
Wurzel, danke für Deine netten Kommentare, die sind immer wilkommen!

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