Monday, April 12, 2010


I was getting bored with cooking, until I've discovered the concept of Bento in December. This gave me my cooking inspiration back. The size of the box makes it easy to keep the portions healthy, and I like the decorating part, although I'm still just a beginner. The many blogs about bento are also very inspiring, with many healthy ideas.
Seeing my new addiction, Emilie and Yann spoilt me with great bentos stuff when they came.
So this weekend I started experimenting with my new toys. First at home, hence the plate:
If you carefully at the boiled egg, you can see its shape, yes, it is a bunny! And there are cheese birds flying over the pasta. I also prepared my lunch for today:
This time, the egg turned into a bear :-) And look at this box:
Isn't it beautiful and handy?


Lisa at Greenbow said...

It is beautiful food and the container is great. I will have to look up what bento is. I have never heard of it. Just seeing your food has made me hungry.

nikkipolani said...

Very cute! I never thought of bento cooking/eating as a means of portion control :-)

Susan Elliott said...

Hi Veronique! I am here getting caught up on your posts! I love all of your culinary adventures...I lived in Japan for three years and still miss the bento boxes that you could buy at the train stations/department stores for lunch.

We make something called "te-maki" which is a kind of sushi...but you build it more like fajitas or tacos...we take the nori, spread the sushi rice and then place what we like in the middle (fish is hard to find in good quality so we use crab, egg, cucumber, avocado, wasabi, fish roe) and then roll it up and eat it like a "wrap" -- we probably have it once every two weeks or so...

Yanni looks like a good match for Emilie??? ;)

neki desu said...

welcome to the cool world of o bento.
check this link and enjoy!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Having lived in Japan for many years, #1 appreciates the concept of bento!

solange said...

Tout ceci est très nouveau pour moi, et j'avoue ne pas trop comprendre le fonctionnement.

Muriel said...

Je découvre!En plus d'être joli, c'est vraiment pratique, dommage que ça ne dispense pas de cuisiner :-)! Finalement c'est la version chic et moderne des boîtes en fer blanc de nos...parents, non?