Kerri, you are right, spring is already here. Here are some evidences:
This peonies come from my grand-father's garden. It has been transplanted several times, last time was last year. It is going to bloom this year, I'm quite glad.

I love iris for the way bloom in a couple of days. One day, there is nothing, you turn your back and look again, and here is the bud.

This container is beside my front door. So that I can see it when I come home.

My pet muscaris, the feathered one.

I don't remember planting them, but they are welcome!

The lilac tree was bare two weeks ago...

I hope you enjoyed the tour :-)
I am sure I can smell the lilacs over here.......... Beautiful..
Wow, spring has sprung in your garden. Lovely flowers. The lilacs are about to bloom here too.
Oh Vero. Your photos remind me so much of being in Paris this time last year. I can't get enough of the beautiful lilacs. Your tulips are very elegant - such lovely colors!
Oh ja liebe Vero, ich mochte den Spaziergang. Deine Päonien sind ja dankbar, dass sie das Umsetzen so gut verkraften!
Ich bin wieder aus Rom zurück und werde mich bald mal bei Dir melden.
Hoffe, dass Du ein schönes Osterfest hattest?
Liebe Grüsse vom Wurzerl
Oh yes, I enjoyed the tour greatly! thank you so much for sharing your spring awakenings
hi Verobirdie, thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I see that you and i have something in common - a blog about textiles and gardens, how lovely to be able to tour each other's gardens, hemispheres away. K.
beautiful garden ...
First, thanks for visiting my blog, second: I like your garden is very pretty, and I imagine in this time of year is beautiful. The clothes you've done it pretty well, I am glad you enjoy it.
See you later...
Thanks for stopping by, Vero. I am not that lucky with paeonies and probably not patient at all as I should be. Hope your spring will be a beautiful one. Andrea
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