Sunday, December 16, 2007


Green Thumb Sunday

Join Green Thumb Sunday

I'd expected some snow, but in vain. So nothing interesting in the garden.
Instead, here is a light tree I saw this week in downtown Aix en Provence.

I wish you all a great weekend!

Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I bet that tree is very prettty lit at night.

Mark said...

Does the tree signify something or is it just a nice Christmad decoration?

Cheers Mark

Acey said...

have more than enough snow to share wish I could ...

JoWynn Johns said...

Aix en Provence--where Cezanne lived, one of my particular favorite artists.

Aiyana said...

It must be beautiful when lit at night. Happy GTS,

Gin said...

Happy GTS! I would be most happy to share our snow/ice with you! We had an ice storm this past week and yesterday we got 5" of snow. Looks like we'll have a white Christmas in Illinois this year! Love the light tree!


Julie said...

That is a very pretty winter tree light...would love to be there to see it at night!

Wurzerl said...

Liebe Vero, ich stelle mir den Baum jetzt einfach mitten im Schnee in der Dämmerung mit Festbeleuchtung vor!
Aber das werdet Ihr wohl eher nicht bekommen?!
Trotzdem wünsche ich Dir eine schöne letzte Advent-Woche
Lieber Gruß vom Wurzerl

Jane said...

The sky is so brilliantly blue in the photo! Enjoy your week and all the other Christmas lights.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Vero, look at that beautiful blue winter sky!