And I've get fans:
many thanks to all of you who have visited my blog and left comments. You have made my life brighter.
I hope that 2008 will be a creative year for you all, and that it will make you as happy as cats on kid mohair!
Happy New Year!
A blog about needles, threads, yarns, with a lump of cats, food, trips, and a pinch of gardening.
many thanks to all of you who have visited my blog and left comments. You have made my life brighter.
I hope that 2008 will be a creative year for you all, and that it will make you as happy as cats on kid mohair!
Happy New Year!
Although it is a fine yarn, it is fun to knit. And it came at the right time since all the blogs with photos of knitting made my fingers itch for wool :-). I'll start the second one probably tonight.
And this is a small panel I made for the patchwork shop. As Odile Texier would say, the materials took over and decided how it should be. Even the thread on the border had its own mind. It remembers be of oriental carpets. What do you think? I wish you all a good week!
JoWynn, I'm glad you liked it, and hope you will have fun with the threads and beads!
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.